Procurement Blogs


Global survey highlights challenges and opportunities for public procurement during the Covid-19 pandemic

Submitted by : Serena Cocciolo, Vincenzo Di Maro, Sushmita Samaddar, World Bank

The study focuses mainly on three areas: (i) national public procurement systems’ ability to respond to critical emergencies as well as recently adopted procedures for Covid-19; (ii) the timeliness of responses; and (iii) the legal and administrative bottlenecks that impede effectiveness and...

Fighting corruption through Open Government Initiatives

Submitted by : Emily Kallaur, Stephen Davenport, World Bank

Some anti-corruption efforts aim directly at the problem itself, while others take a more indirect route, seeking to create an environment in which graft and fraud are less likely to...

What can we learn from trends in corruption and anticorruption?

Submitted by : Jim Anderson, World Bank

There is general agreement that corruption is harmful, undermining investment and exacerbating poverty, but can anything really be done about it? The World Bank report launched last month, Enhancing Government Effectiveness and Transparency: The Fight Against Corruption, shows through detailed case studies of the application of various tools and...

Upgrading procurement with a digital solution when Pakistan needed it the most

Submitted by : Khalid Bin Anjum, World Bank

The World Bank’s portfolio in Pakistan faced unprecedented challenges at the outbreak of the pandemic. The major challenge was to ensure continuity in project implementation and address any disruptions in the procurement...

What Rwanda can teach us about effective public procurement reform using MAPS Assessments

Submitted by : Uwingeneye Joyeuse, Nagaraju Duthaluri, Mulugeta Dinka, Devesh Mishra, World Bank

In the mid-1990s, Rwanda was one of the world’s poorest countries. Significant progress has since been made, setting the country on the way to recovery. The Rwanda of today has aspirations which are reflected in the country’s Vision 2020, the Vision 2050, and the National Strategy for Transformation (NST 1)...

What do case studies tell us about addressing corruption in public procurement?

Submitted by : Joel Turkewitz, World Bank

Public procurement often features prominently in corruption scandals in developed and developing countries, suggesting that it is vulnerable to particularly resilient...

Guidebook on Framework Agreements

Submitted by : Mr Shanker Lal, Lead Procurement Specialist, The World Bank

Framework Agreements (FAs) are being increasingly utilized by public procurement agencies to promote value-for-money, deter corruption, and avoid the waste and abuse of increasingly scarce public...

Addressing COVID-19 related Challenges in Infrastructure Projects

Submitted by : Dr Gurbandini Kaur, Associate Professor, AIMA

Global Procurement Summit 2021 organized by All India Management Association with support of Ministry of Finance, Government of India, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank gave platform for discussion and exchange of...